Monday, July 23, 2007

Find a Job Faster - Follow Up Right

When furnishing your home or apartment, have you ever purchased used furniture, garage sale pieces, or have any advice on budgeting for your home?

Many people feel they need to have a nice house with all the furniture and fixtures being new and shiny. I have always found that new furniture was new for about a week, then it was either comfortable, or a bad purchase. With the rare occasion, the only folks that come to my house are my friends and they care about me and my family far more then my furniture. In fact, if my furniture is too nice, then they don't feel comfortable having a beer or a glass of wine and lounging around. What if they spill.....

So buy what you like, make sure it is comfortable. Look for bargains. One year I went 6 months with no coffee table, and you know what nobody cared. When I found the one I wanted it was at a small antique shop and cost me half what a new one would. Now when friends come over, they compliment me on the uniqueness and I don't freak when they put a wine glass on it.

There are more important things to use your money for then the latest style in furniture.